
Nimbus Sierra 104265 Prefilter & Postfilter Kit
Purchase the Sierra 104265 Replacement Filter Kit and save. Filter kit includes the Sierra Prefilter – 104381 and the Sierra Postfilter – 104382. The Sierra RO membrane only needs to be replaced every to two to three years.

The Sierra Reverse Osmosis System from Nimbus Water Systems utilizes a four stage process:

  • Stage I and II: Encapsulated 25 micron filter removes dirt, rust, sediment and chlorine. This increases the clarity of the drinking water while proloning the life of the membrane.
  • Stage III: The high performance reverse osmosis membrane reduces metals and salts such as lead, sodium and flouride.
  • Stage IV: The water passes through an encapsulated, granular activated carbon post-filter to remove unpleasant flavors and odors caused by chlorine and organinc materials.

Nimbus Sierra 104265 Prefilter & Postfilter Kit

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